From the Parish Finance Committee

We are very grateful for the continued financial support that you have given to the Parish and our Charities over the last ten months. Consequently the Parish Finances have remained in a healthy state.

We are all faced with economic challenges at the moment and one of the problems we face is having easy access to our Banks. The Bank which we, and the Diocese use, has closed its local branch as is happening in so many places. This has made it more of a problem when it comes to the weekly banking of the cash. With this is mind, we would remind you that there are several ways of making your offerings which avoid the use of cash: standing order, online donations (via our website) and now the contactless method by using your debit/credit card, phone or watch.

You can make a cashless donation for anything including Offertory, candles, publications and Mass stipends. Do continue to use the offertory envelopes if you have them. (Please remember to Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer.) In this way it will make it easier for those who do the banking not to have to convey bulky sums of money to a more distant location. Thank you again for your continued support of the Parish!