Dear friends in Christ
We could say that the theme of the Readings at Mass this weekend is God is passing by. Jesus fulfils the prophecies and desires of the Old Testament. He alone brings healing and contentment. The blind man whom He cures in the Gospel is a symbol to us, and our times, of the spiritual blindness that prevents us seeing the salvation that is Christ; but it also shows us—by the way he behaves—that it is possible to overcome all obstacles in order to reach this salvation, to reach Jesus Christ. Bartimaeus partakes of this salvation which will have its fullness in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. Jesus was attracted to his total blindness and great poverty. The Lord more than compensated him for his hardships. After his cure, the life of Bartimaeus was utterly changed. He followed along the road, as Bartimaeus had become a disciple of the Master. Our suffering, or blindness, can always serve as the means for an encounter with Christ. We can follow Him with more humility, with greater purity. We can draw closer to Him. Jesus always tells us, as He told him: Have courage, get up! With this simple trust we make our way along the paths of this earth, ever trustful that the promises Jesus makes will be a reality.
May God bless you all in this coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale