Dear friends in Christ
The texts of the Mass this Sunday speak to us of divine wisdom. We should value it above all other goods. Jesus Christ, the son of God incarnate, is divine wisdom that has been hidden from all eternity in the heart of the father. He is now accessible to all people who are supposed to open their hearts to Him. To possess Christ is to process everything. That is why we commit the greatest folly whenever we choose some other good in place of Christ, be it honour, wealth, good health, anything at all. Nothing is worth more than the Master.
The Gospel story of the conversation between Jesus and the rich young man was one of St Pope John Paul II’s favourites and is featured in many of his writings. The Pope sees three great moral themes in this narrative: the objectivity of the good, the indispensability of the commandments, and finally, the call to radical self-gift. The rich young man accepts the first two but balks at the third–and this is his tragedy. How radically are we willing to live the moral life? Will we follow Jesus, or walk away sad?
God bless you all during the coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale