Second Sunday after the Nativity

Dear friends in Christ

I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year!

I am very conscious that many families and individuals have been isolating over the Christmas period and I can imagine that this has been debilitating and frustrating. The hardships that many have experienced may serve to help us have some insight into the life of the Holy Family—Jesus, Mary and Joseph—in the days following the birth of Our Lord. They had been traveling for the census and had to make-do with what accommodation they could find. They then fled in fear of Herod to Egypt. All of the privations associated with the Christmas story make us realise that it was far from the idyllic scenario we like to imagine. As a new year begins, we also have new expectations that life will improve. For so many in our world the stability of a safe and clean home is not a reality. I am thinking of so any refugees driven their homelands. We must be grateful to all those groups who try to relieve the sufferings of those unfortunate people who have no means of providing for themselves.

On Thursday we will contemplate the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem. Led by the star of faith, they brings gifts rich in symbolism: gold for the new King; incense for the worship of the True God; myrrh for his suffering and Passion. May the celebration of the Epiphany be a moment once more for us, to contemplate God-made-flesh and give us the impetus to go to Him, and seeing Him, convey the Good News of His presence on earth to those we encounter.

God bless you throughout 2022!

Msgr Kevin Hale