Third Sunday of Advent

Dear friends in Christ

Joy and hope are the central themes of Advent and even more so on this Gaudete Sunday when the liturgy of the Mass reminds us that Christian joy is a result of the Incarnation, the coming of God into our world. When we enter our church, we are often struck by the scenes of the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Canon Francis Gilbert—who had our church built and is buried in the front garden of the Presbytery—had a great devotion to everything Marian. Hence the Lourdes Grotto which he had constructed in the church after a visit to Lourdes which so moved him. The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary are very central to this Advent-time. Beginning with the Annunciation of Mary by St Gabriel behind the Tabernacle, they move us through the stages of the Incarnation: Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth; the Adoration of the Magi; the Presentation of Jesus and the Finding in the Temple. Each of these Gospel miniatures express a joy that comes to mind whenever we think about them or prayerfully meditate on them in the Rosary.

As we progress through the second part of Advent we reflect on all the circumstances surrounding the Birth of Our Lord. We do this with Mary and Joseph, as they await in faith for the coming of the Messiah. We have the simple custom of the Blessing of the figures of Jesus for our Cribs next Sunday. If the children would like to bring the figures of Infant Jesus, we will bless them at the end of the Masses, ready for them to be placed in our Cribs on Christmas Day.

Thanks to all those who supported our Bazaar last Sunday. Very many of you gave gifts which could be sold and despite the constrained times in which we are living it was an enjoyable morning! We raised £1,500 and we are grateful to those who helped with the organisation of the occasion and so generously gave of their time too!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale