5.30pm Vigil Sister Rosemary, RIP (MM)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 21 February
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Jim & Teena Rockell, RIP (Anniversary) (LW)
11.30am Mass Pamela Warnock, RIP (MM)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 22
The Chair of St Peter, Ap
9am Mass Bernard Ward, RIP (Anniversary) (MW)
8.30-10.30am Private Prayer
Tuesday 23
9am Mass Eric Slough, RIP (US)
8.30-10.30am Private Prayer
Wednesday 24
9am Mass Winifred McClafferty, RIP (MS)
8.30-10.30am Private Prayer
Thursday 25
9am Mass Maggie Thomas, RIP (LC)
8.30-10.30am Private Prayer
Friday 26
Feria - CAFOD Fast Day
12Noon Mass John Bernard Holland, RIP (Anniversary) (MH)
11.30-1pm Private Prayer
7pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction
Saturday 27
10am Mass Michael Irons, RIP (JV)
9.30-11am Private Prayer
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Second Sunday of Lent
5.30pm Vigil Mass Paul White, RIP (LM)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 28 February
8am Mass Caroline Graham-Males, RIP (Anniversary) (SM)
9.30am Mass Elaine Uglietti, RIP & Thelma Booth, RIP (LM)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction