Dear friends in Christ
We have begun Lent once again and although the way we can do things this year will have to be adapted, the message is the same: Repent and believe the Gospel! These are the words that Jesus lovingly addresses to each one of us. He desires our love, our lives, and our salvation. In order to respond to His loving call we have to go into the wilderness with Him. In the desert places there are few distractions which help us reflect on God’s Word. I have no doubt that many of us have been feeling as though the last year has been spent in the desert: isolation or shielding for many of us, little contact with others, and so very challenging. Even though we can see some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, we have to continue with the present regime for some time still. However, we have been able to keep churches open for Mass and prayer and I hope that as the weeks progress many more of you will feel as able and confident about coming back to Mass as we are about going to the supermarket! Of all the public places that have been able to remain open, our churches have provided some of the safest to attend. It was so uplifting to see such large numbers back at Mass again on Ash Wednesday. For this, we must be grateful to all those who have volunteered to help with the stewarding. As Lent progresses towards Easter, we all need to consider the vital importance of being part of the worshipping Parish Family. We have had the benefit of participating in the Mass online, but this is actually a million miles from actually being present at an intimate meeting with the Risen Jesus. As Easter draws closer I hope this spiritual hunger for Jesus will increase within all of us, and that we will not feel satisfied with any lesser substitute.
As you know, we are preparing to consecrate our Parish—individuals and families—to the protection of St Joseph on 19th March, in this Year dedicated to his honour. Each day at Mass I am giving a reflection on an aspect of his life and virtues as expressed in his Litany. You might follow this by praying the Litany or some other prayer to St Joseph. May this wonderful Patriarch—Foster Father of Our Divine Lord—give us the necessary courage to go forward in the sure knowledge that we have such divine protection and help. With every blessing!
Msgr Kevin Hale