Dear friends in Christ
The tone of Lent shifts in the last two weeks into Passiontide. Through the liturgy—the prayers and readings—we are gradually drawn into the mysteries that brought about our salvation. Next Sunday—Palm Sunday—we begin Holy Week listening to the Passion (shorter version) according to St Mark. As I explained last week, the liturgies of Holy Week are going to be somewhat reduced in their elements and in duration; this is to ensure that we keep within the Covid restrictions. However, we must be grateful: this time last year there was nobody in church and most of Lent and Easter was celebrated behind closed doors. A large part of our participation in Holy Week and Easter is a reading of the Gospel. If, for whatever reason, you cannot attend church in person, try to follow all the events of Holy Week on the livestream and by reading the Passion narratives. The Saints tell us that we ought to imagine ourselves being present at each of the events. If we do this prayerfully it will change our lives. All of the virtues necessary to live the Christian life are present in the Passion. Jesus teaches us by his words and gestures, how to be patient, long-suffering, meek, courageous and humble. Pray for some particular virtue you need at this time, especially the grace to follow Jesus with the crosses of life. Try to see all of the trials and tragedies we experience as a participation in the suffering of Our Lord. The whole drama of the Passion leads infallibly to the glory of the Resurrection. The same for us: after the suffering comes the glory.
With every blessing!
Msgr Kevin Hale