Easter Greetings

The Priests of the Parish join in wishing you the blessings of the Risen Jesus!

May the light of Christ rising in glory, fill your minds and hearts with His new life!

Thanks be to God that we have arrived joyfully at another Easter and after what has seemed a long Winter!

As we joyfully enter this Easter season there is a double reason for our optimism: the Risen Christ and the hope of better times ahead. I do thank you for the example of tenacity you have shown me during the passed days of Lent which have prepared us for the celebration of the Paschal season. Even if the ceremonies of Holy Week have been somewhat reduced and restricted this year, it was so much better—from my perspective—than last Holy Week during which I was alone in a deserted church! But I never do all of this alone, and so I am thankful to the many parish workers who prepare the church, clean it so thoroughly, arrange the liturgical elements--such as the flowers and linen—the Altar Servers and the musicians who played and sang for the Triduum (our two Organists and two Cantors). To all, who devoted such time and care to ensure the liturgy is truly the best we can offer God. Let us celebrate the Easter Octave now—as we are supposed to—as one single feast lasting the week. May the joy that Mary experienced at seeing the Risen Jesus, also fill our hearts and minds throughout the year ahead.

Msgr Kevin Hale