Fifth Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

The parable of the vine—which is the Gospel at Mass this weekend—reminds us that we are intimately united with Jesus. Just as a vine is inter-twined, so we are in the Body of Christ. By our baptism, we have been incorporated into His Body and we are, each of us, a living part. We are organically related and function in unison. Hearing these words at Mass this Sunday should move us to pray and work in our lives, for the unity of the Church. Unity is not something that happens on its own. In all relationships we need to work for this oneness. The words of Jesus impel us to seek unity with Him, amongst ourselves, with the Church and Her Shepherds and all people of goodwill who desire a deeper union with the One God, as revealed in Jesus Christ.

We have just begun Mary’s Month. Each year during May we think of ways in which we give that place of honour to Our Blessed Mother. Any tokens of love and affection which mothers receive are welcomed and cherished. Mary is no exception, since she was, and continues to be, the Mother of those who follow her Divine Son. Honour any image of Mary that you have in your homes by giving it a special prominence during May; pray the Rosary, or a part of the Rosary each day alone or in our family groups; speak to her as a trusted friend, confidant and most beautiful of all mothers. If we honour her, she will never allow us to be dishonoured. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favour, you shall reach the goal (St Bernard of Clairvaux).

May God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale