Flower Festival 2021
We will be holding a Flower Festival in OLL church again this year on 11th September. The Theme will be “I AM” (as in I Am the Good Shepherd; the Light of the World; The Way, Truth, & Life etc.) This was the theme that we had chosen for last year, but due to the pandemic it did not take place. The Festival will again coincide with the Leigh Art Trail. We would like to expand the displays to include Art, Photography, Needlework, Woodwork etc., to illustrate the theme. Any donations will go towards ‘Serving the Homeless’ projects.
So we are calling all parishioners to help us to create a beautiful and prayerful event to be shared with our community.
For those interested a list of all the quotations will be available. You can email me at: mcronan@btinternet.com
You have four months to get creative!
We are also holding a Summer Raffle to raise funds so that we can continue to contribute to HARP and YMCA projects. Tickets for our ‘Hamper Bonanza’ are now on sale, with the draw taking place at the beginning of September. Tickets can be purchased from any of our Committee members.
Jo Ronan