Covid Guidelines from 17 May 2021

Certain of the Covid restrictions that have been in place for some months now are being relaxed.


  • We still use online booking for services, or the QR code track and trace

  • Please sanitise your hands whenever entering or leaving the church. We continue to wear face coverings (remember to remove this before receiving Holy Communion). This will continue even if the legal requirement is lifted.

  • For Holy Communion we remove the barrier and the priest will pronounce The Body of Christ with the usual response of Amen

  • Holy Communion is now permitted on the tongue. Those wishing Communion on the tongue: please come to Communion last (the priest then sanitises his hands at the end).

  • Communion continues to be under one kind

  • The sign of peace is still suspended

  • The congregation may not sing

  • At least one door into the church will remain open throughout the weekday services for ventilation

  • The church will open as formerly: that is, from early morning until 1pm. After this time, you can access the church by using the code on the door on the courtyard side of church


  • We no longer need Stewards at weekday Masses—but we do need still need cleaners!

  • Maintain a good general standard of routine cleaning using cleaning detergents:

    • Clean most surfaces people touch once a day

    • Clean very frequent touch points more often—for example: door handles

  • We continue to require Stewards for Sunday Masses


  • We increase the capacity of the building whilst keeping a one metre rule and being sensitive to the comfort and safety of others: from the current 48 to 80 booking slots—16 booking slots for each wing and 24 for each centre aisle

  • Sunday Mass: Bidding Prayers will resume

  • Singing may by done by a small group

Thank you

Thanks to all of you who have cooperated with the protocols over these months and especially to those who have given so much time to stewarding and cleaning.