Dear friends in Christ
The feast of the Most Blessed Trinity this weekend is simply celebrating our belief in God. Jesus, the second person of the Trinity came upon earth to show us the way to Heaven and also to reveal to us a glimpse of the inner life of God. This life He reveals is a triune life: Father, Son, Spirit. Each of the three Persons have the same essence and yet are unique and separate; together they are God. Art, theology and literature have all combined in an attempt to express this mystery. In the end it is by faith that we can know this, since the mysteries of God, and of our religion, are not shown to us so that we can understand them. They have been revealed so that we can see how much God loves us; how He wants us to share-in His own existence and heighten our sense of desire for that time when we shall see everything more clearly in Heaven.
Next Sunday is the celebration of the Body and Blood of Christ—Corpus Christi—which is a feast most beloved by Catholics. It was proposed by Saint Thomas Aquinas, to Pope Urban IV, in order to create a feast focused solely on the Holy Eucharist, emphasising the joy of the Eucharist being the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and his abiding presence in the Tabernacle. Normally we would make a Eucharistic Procession in public on this Day, but once again this year it is not possible. Wishing to show Our Lord some token of our appreciation and to mark this beautiful feast, we will make a modest Procession of the Blessed Sacrament following the 4pm Mass next Sunday (which is celebrated each month according to the Roman Missal of 1962). At the end of Mass (weather permitting!) we will make a circuit of the Courtyard and conclude with Benediction back in the church. Sadly we cannot involve our First Communion children as usual (nor the brass band) but we can at least mark the feast with a degree of the solemnity and devotion required of us. Please do remember our First Communion children who will be receiving Our Lord for the first time over the first three Saturdays of June.
On this Trinity Sunday, we remind ourselves that everything is directed to faith and love of the One true God—Soli Deo—Who calls us to live in Him on earth and one day in Heaven.
Msgr Kevin Hale