Dear friends in Christ
Corpus Christi—the Body and Blood of Christ—is the feast of feasts beloved by all devout Catholics. This weekend the Church celebrates Her belief in the mystery of the Blessed Eucharist. Our Catholic Faith contains nothing more beautiful and consoling than the truth that God has remained with us on earth. Through the reliving of the mysteries of these recent weeks we have celebrated the Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity which tell us of eternal life. Here in the Eucharist though, we have the continuing presence of Jesus on earth. In all of the readings and liturgical texts for this Day, God speaks to us of His desire to remain with His people; to feed us with Body and Blood, and be our abiding consolation in this life. The Holy Eucharist is the anticipation of Heaven. When we eat this Bread...we proclaim Your death, Lord Jesus, until you come again. All of the times we have received Jesus in Holy Communion will be for us the seeds that spring up to eternal life. Normally on this feast there are public displays of faith and devotion by means of Eucharistic Processions and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Sadly, once again this year, it is not possible to do this. However, following the Extraordinary Form Mass this Sunday afternoon we will make a simple Procession around the church courtyard concluding with Benediction in the church. By this means we can mark and celebrate this Day, which renews our faith in the Eucharist and our hope of eternal life!
With my blessing to you all and the assurance of my prayer daily!
Msgr Kevin Hale