Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

St Mark tell us in the Gospel of the Mass this Sunday of how Jesus prepares His disciples for His impending death and resurrection. They were dismayed by this news, for they were dreaming of an earthly kingdom. He takes a child and presents them as the model of how we are to live as His disciples. This is because all authority in the Church is for the service of the Gospel and has to be lived with child-like simplicity. It reminds us to pray that the Church may always be blessed with good shepherds who know how to serve all, especially the needy. Pray also for the Bishop of Rome, who has a special responsibility to lead and teach the whole flock of Christ with humility, integrity and Truth.

Each one of us, according to our place in life and our profession, have the noble task of living the gift of authority as a service to others and to the world. If we are parents, professionals or individuals, we can each live-out the tasks we have been given with humility and ardour. In a world which is so full of intrigue, suspicion and conspiracy, we have to live, more than ever, the virtues of obedience, sincerity and loyalty. We do this for love of Christ, His Church and the good of our world and society.

This Sunday is designated Home Mission Day which is a reminder to us that we live very much in mission territory in our country! We are among so many people who are ignorant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Truth of His Church. By our witness in prayer and faith, we can make a difference to the environment in which we live and work. In our own Parish we can support the various initiatives that are starting again for the propagation of the Gospel: The Journey in Faith (RCIA) begins on Monday 4th October; the Landings initiative for those returning to the Faith; Thresholds of Hope being run by our Diocese (cf elsewhere in this Newsletter) and the sacramental preparations that will also begin shortly. By these and others means, we can help bring others to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and His saving grace.

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale