Sea of Voices Choir

Our choir plans to recommence singing from Thursday 23rd September in the Parish Centre, which will be open from 7.30pm but starting the singing at 8pm, finishing by 9.30pm for the time being.

An email was recently sent out to all members giving an update that the committee would be meeting to discuss a Choir risk assessment. The draft Risk Assessment will be emailed out to all returning members in due course, giving them the opportunity to give feedback on the measures we plan to put in place for everyone’s safety. Attendees will pay £3 per session, as previously, and sheet music will be provided.

The plan is to put on a Christmas concert in December - as always, we are ambitious! - so we will sing some old favourites and some new songs will be added to our repertoire.

We already have some re-joiners and new singers who want to sing with us, so if you would like to join us (no auditions!) please contact Darrell ( email ) or speak to other choir committee members at church: Carole Symons, Jacqui Henderson or Adam Carstairs.

Thank you. Darrell Binding.