Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The Readings at Mass this Sunday are a call to trust God. Isaiah in the First Reading announces the happy return of the Chosen People to their homeland. The Gospel narrates the cure of the deaf man. We ought to see in this miracle an image of how God acts upon our souls. He frees the man from sin. He opens his ears to hear the Word of God and loosens his tongue to praise and proclaim the marvellous works of God. At the moment of our Baptism, the Holy Spirit, the finger of God’s right hand, opens our ears and mouths to hear and proclaim His Word. The prayer towards the end of the Baptismal liturgy asks: May the Lord Jesus, who made the deaf hear and the dumb speak, open your ears to receive His Word and your mouth to proclaim His Faith. St Augustine in commenting on this passage of the Gospel says, that the tongue of someone united to God will speak of the Gospel, will bring to agreement those who divided, will console those who weep. God will be praised Christ will be announced. We need the graces to both hear the Word of God—unimpeded by the noise of the world—and tell of Jesus Christ with all clarity.

As most of our Schools return fully this week for the new academic year, we wish all our students and staff a fruitful time ahead. May their ears and hearts be open to what is being taught, and may their minds and hearts be open to telling of the good things God does for us!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale