Month of the Holy Rosary
5.30pm Vigil Mass Intentions of Lucrecia Conlu (JC)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
8am Mass Una Young, RIP (KE)
9.30am Mass Lucille Tarrobal & Jose Conlu, RIP
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
4pm Mass Gilberte Cook, RIP (K&LW) (1962 Missal)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 4
St Francis of Assisi, Rel
9am Mass Thomas Henry Gunn, RIP (FM)
Tuesday 5
St Faustina Kowalska, Rel
9am Mass Paddy & Dette Nolan & Margaret Martin, RIP (Anniversary) (A&JM)
4.30pm Body in Church: Gilberte Cook, RIP
Wednesday 6
St Bruno, Pr
9am Mass Holy Souls
11am Requiem Mass Gilberte Cook, RIP
Thursday 7
Our Lady of the Rosary
9am Mass Fely Valenzuela, RIP (JC)
Friday 8
St Osyth, Rel
12Noon Mass Fr Colin Watling, RIP
Saturday 9
St John Henry Newman, Pr
10am Mass Thomas Patrick Costello, RIP (KC)
10.30-11.30 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
Sunday 10 October
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5.30pm Vigil Mass Sukhjivan Lal Bhandari, RIP (CdS)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
8am Mass Intentions of Sarah Diggines (JL)
9.30am Mass John & Doreen Harley-70th Wedding Anniversary (PL)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction