Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The liturgical readings at Mass this weekend express God’s divine plan with regard to the relationship of Marriage and family life. This teaching was a true revelation and surprise to the disciples of Jesus and the demands of this holy vocation are no less remarkable in our own day. Our task is to proclaim this doctrine loud and clear. I recall some words of St Pope John II: It is a fundamental duty of the Church to reaffirm strongly… the doctrine of the indissolubility of Marriage. To all those who, in our times, consider it too difficult, or indeed impossible, to be bound to one person for the whole of life, and those caught up in a culture that rejects the indissolubility of Marriage and openly mocks the commitment of spouses to fidelity; it is necessary to reaffirm the good news of the definitive nature of the conjugal love that has in Christ its foundation and strength (Familiaris Consortio,22). The dignity and stability of Marriage is of the greatest importance to the future of families, of children and of society itself. Let us remember to pray daily for all those who experience difficulty in the living of this vocation; for those preparing for this sacrament; and for all those recently married and who are nurturing the wonderful gift of family.

This weekend we welcome Fr John Downey of the Comboni Missions (Verona Fathers) who will speak to us about the work of his Missionary Order and request our practical charity.

Across our Diocese this weekend, there is also the launch of our project for sustainability at a time of heightened awareness of the care we must show for all of the created world. You will find some literature at the back of church which you may like to take and study at home.

October is the month of the Holy Rosary—let us take-up our beads once again with a renewed piety and devotion and pray the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary. We can do this as individuals, as families and as a Parish Family: at home, whilst travelling or in the church. I call to mind what Pope Francis said last year on the Feast of the Holy Rosary: I invite everyone to rediscover, especially during this month of October, the beauty of the prayer of the Rosary, which has nourished the faith of the Christian people through the centuries. I invite you to pray the Rosary, and to carry it in your hands or in your pockets. The recitation of the Rosary is the most beautiful prayer we can offer to the Virgin Mary; it is a contemplation on the stages of the life of Jesus the Savior with his Mother Mary and is a weapon that protects us from evils and temptations.

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale