Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

According to our Christian Tradition, there are three manifestations of God in Christ: the Epiphany, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan and the Miracle at Cana. In each of these three occasions we see God revealing Himself to the world. St John in the Gospel of the Mass this Sunday tells of the first of the miracles Jesus performed. It was done at the behest of His Mother. Mary is the one who notices that there is a problem and she goes to Jesus to ask Him to do something about it. Mary is a mother who is more attentive to all our needs than any mother on earth ever has been or ever will be. The miracle takes place because Our Lady has interceded; it happens only because of her petition. Why do Mary's prayers have such efficacy before God? The prayers of the Saints are the prayers of servants, whereas those of Mary are the prayers of a mother, whence they receive their efficacy and authoritative character. As Jesus' love for his mother is limitless she cannot ask for anything without being heard (St Alphonsus). This miracle is a sign of the great abundance of God’s goodness to His people, especially when we realise that the amount of wine produced was between 100 and 160 gallons! For those first disciples of Jesus—and St John was one of them—this would have helped them take a step further towards their faith in Him. Do whatever he tells you are the words of Our Lady in the Gospel. There could be no better words, no more profitable advice.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale