Dear friends in Christ
In these final days of the liturgical year, the Church invites us to meditate on the final things—truths presented to us in the Readings of the Mass on these current Sundays. Life is short and our encounter with Jesus Christ is near. At some time in the future He will come in glory, and there will be the resurrection of our bodies. These considerations should serve to make us more detached from things of earth and more attached to things of God. It should move us to use our God-given time well and do our best to teach others about the truths of the next life. We must live with our eyes fixed on Heaven, our ultimate and permanent homeland. At the same time we need to have our feet firmly planted on this earth. Everything we do—our work, our recreation, our family life—should all be done with the intention of giving glory to God.
On Thursday evening we will celebrate our annual Parish Requiem for those who have died in the last year. Please try to come along to this Mass and pray—with those who have lost friends and family during the year—for their eternal repose. There is no work of charity in the Church comparable to the assistance we give to the Holy Souls, who are aided by our prayers, to enter the glory of Heaven. As there are so many reminders in this month of November of eternity, let us do our best to keep our eyes fixed on that goal where Jesus awaits us with the Communion of Saints, the family of the Church.
This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, as it’s the nearest Sunday to Armistice Day, 11th. Traditionally we visit our local cenotaphs and war graves at this time and the 11.30am Mass on Sunday is a Requiem for the dead of the World Wars and subsequent conflicts, especially in Ukraine. We give thanks to God for the sacrifice of so many lives, given so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have as a result.
Next Sunday—feast of Christ the King—is the World Day of Youth. At the vigil Mass on Saturday, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School will participate in a special way to mark this annual celebration and also so that we can give thanks with them for the Good outcome of their recent OFSTED inspection.
Our Annual Days of Solemn Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament begin on Thursday week, 24th. As always I would ask you to start signing the lists for Watching which are at the back of church; you may also purchase a lamp from the Sacristy/Parish Office which will burn during the Forty Hours.
May God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale