Dear friends in Christ
Having celebrated our Days of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration during these last three days of the liturgical year, we are introduced into the season of joyful preparation and expectation—Advent. These four weeks preceding Christmas, reminds us of the entire history of the world before the coming of the Redeemer. During this season, we live both in view and hope of the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the world, and also His coming in time—the Incarnation. The best means of making this preparation is by personal prayer. This will enable us to make the appropriate preparation for Christmas, so that we do not become overly engrossed in earthly things, as the prayer in the Advent Mass expresses: for even now as we walk amid passing things, you teach us by them to love the things of heaven and hold fast to what endures.
An excellent prayer at this time is the Angelus: in this simple recalling of the Word become flesh we are drawn into the the greatest reality in human history and prepare ourselves for the mystery of Christ’s Birth.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale