Dear friends in Christ
I wish you all a very happy New Year!
On the Octave day of Christmas—New Year’s Day—we celebrate the Divine Motherhood of our Blessed Lady. We begin 2023 close to Our Lady, having contemplated her in these days close to Jesus and lovingly embracing Him. Each of us should make a decisive effort at the start of a new year, to have a close relationship with Mary. She is the Mother of Jesus, Mother of God, and therefore she has a special affection and care for each of us sons and daughters of God. May she assist us every day of this New Year and guide our steps along the ways of peace and holiness.
This Newsletter gives me the opportunity, as each year, to express my deep gratitude to everyone who has sent me greetings, cards and gifts over the Christmas season; also for the Christmas Offerings—I am so very grateful! This also provides the occasion for me to thank those in our Parish Family who work tirelessly so that the mission of the Parish and the local Church here can flourish. I am thinking at this time of all those who work to make our worship of God in the liturgy something noble: Musicians, Altar Servers, Readers, Sacristans and Florist. Also, those who work throughout the year to keep the interior and exterior of the church looking fine and orderly, especially the Cleaners. I think you will agree this Christmas that the outside decorations made the church look resplendent! Thanks to all of you who contribute to the workings of our Parish, and above all, those who daily pray for all our intentions.
Under the protecting mantle of Mary, may we all go forward in this year to live our Faith vibrantly, serve Christ in the most needy, and seek holiness of life in all we do.
I pray that God and His Blessed Mother will bless abundantly all of the homes and families of our Parish!
Msgr Kevin Hale