Dear friends in Christ
On the Third Sunday of Advent—Gaudete—the Church gives us the reason for the joy that we should have in these days of Advent: it is the closeness of our Saviour. The Mass this Sunday begins: Gaudete semper in Domino…Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near. I spoke last weekend about how our Country, for the first time in a Census, has shown that Christians are not in a majority. This was a source of glee for the National Secular Society. Although more and more people are drifting from their Christian moorings, we need to remember that nature abhors a vacuum and when the populace says they believe in nothing, they very soon begin to believe in anything! As Catholics we have a lot to be positive and joyful about. After all, we have given our society the basis of healthcare, education, law and immigration policy. The only reason we can focus on the poor and marginalised is because Our Lord Jesus Christ has told us to. But this has not stopped our Faith being attacked in the public square. We know that only too well, when it comes to the pressing ethical issues of our times. A world without God or religious faith, would be a dark world indeed. Jesus came to bring light to our darkness by His Incarnation. But any restoration of faith and confidence must begin with baby steps. These steps start with bringing our children to Mass weekly and observing Christian feast days and celebrations in a Christian manner: prayer in the home, and small acts of charity and service to our neighbour. It also means living a joyful life, despite the challenges. As Christians we still have a lot to be joyful about!
Our thanks for all of you who contributed in any way to the Christmas Bazaar last Sunday. Many of you gave gifts, purchased Draw tickets and came along on the morning to support the Parish. I am so grateful also, to the small group of helpers who, each year manage to make this event both profitable and enjoyable—thank you all! We raised almost £2,000 and I am proposing to send half of the proceeds to help the suffering people of Ukraine. (via Aid to the Church in need). They are in desperate need of heat and warm clothing this Winter and our tiny effort can unite us in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Faith this Christmas.
You are invited to take a Christmas poster from the back of church and place it in a window at home, to remind those around us that we are about to celebrate the Birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Christmas Masses and Confessions schedule will be sent to you this coming Wednesday.
Next Sunday, the final Sunday of Advent, it is the tradition to bless the figures of the Baby Jesus for our Cribs at home. We invite you to bring your Crib figure to Mass next weekend, so that they can be blessed at the end of the Mass.
God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale