Your Parish SVP

The SVP ( St Vincent de Paul Society) is a Christ-centred organisation with a mission to seek and find those who are in need, to help them in the spirit of justice and to tackle the causes and effects of poverty where it can. Members visit and befriend people living in loneliness and isolation, be they elderly, homeless, hospitalised or in care-homes, people with mental health issues or offenders. Our funds have become depleted through coming to the aid of families and individuals during the course of the pandemic but you can assist our endeavours by donating to your parish SVP group via our parish website - you can also now 'Gift Aid' any such donation at no additional cost to yourself! Our parish SVP group meets regularly in the Parish Centre for an hour or so on a Wednesday evening - we also seek new, committed members! Should you be thinking of joining us or wish to know more, please contact Francis O'Brien on mob: 07845874331 or email: . Thank you for any help you can give!