Dear friends in Christ
These final two weeks of Lent invite us to relive the Passion of Jesus Christ. These are the most sombre days of the year, as we proceed towards Holy Week and the celebration of the Paschal Triduum—Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and the Easter Vigil. The purple veiling of our crucifixes and images emphasises each year, how the glory of Jesus is hidden from our eyes during this period, only to be revealed with the glory of His Resurrection at Easter. I am always encouraged, and impressed, when parishioners tell me of how they are aiming to live the days of Lent; it's always worthwhile, however much the cost to ourselves, that we persevere in prayer and penance. The custom of undertaking mortifications and works of charity is not only ancient and based upon biblical teaching, but it also has a way of bringing us into solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters. Often the crosses of life don't have to be sought-out, since they will be part-and-parcel of our daily lives. These are usually the most efficacious penances: such as, someone who needs my assistance, taking the time necessary to explain something, trying to be patient when under pressure, anticipating the needs of those around me…these are all opportunities for us to identity with Jesus in His Passion, albeit in small ways. So what is that special grace I need this Lent and Holy Week? We each stand in need of something. May these days of Passiontide, in the words of the hymn: Keep us, O Saviour, ever constant by Thy side; that with Thee we may appear, at the eternal Eastertide.
With every blessing!
Msgr Kevin Hale