Aid for Ukraine

We have begun Lent this year conscious of the unspeakable acts of terror in the Ukraine. Our brothers and sisters there are experiencing terrible suffering as they struggle to defend their country and preserve their human rights and life itself. We are doing what we can from afar: assisting by the charity of our prayers and also with what practical means we can muster. Aid to the Church in Need is on the frontline of charitable assistance to Ukrainians. If you can help, you will find this link takes you to the ACN website where you can donate:

For anyone that might like to donate items for refugees, the following places are taking donations:

Leigh Community Centre, 71-73 Elm Road, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 1PS
 & Our Lady of Ransom School Rayleigh and Convent Building

If any parishioner needs someone to collect items, Clare Mason is happy to collect. Call: 07757 138345.

Items for Donation: 

flashlights - torches 


batteries and battery chargers 



wound disinfectants 

Painkillers and other medications 

hygiene items (shower gel/ shampoo/soap/ deodorant) 

nappies and sanitary items 

sleeping bags 

blankets (small and large) 


tinned foods and longlife foods

thermal gloves and flasks

pet and animal care and food