The Most Holy Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity

Readings of Year A
The Nicene Creed
Preface of The Most Holy Trinity

Sunday 4th June
The Most Holy Trinity
5.30pm Vigil Mass Intentions of the de Souza Family (ADS)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

8am Mass Intentions of David Paul (50th Birthday) (MP)
9.30am Mass Jim & Teena Rockell, RIP (K&LW)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
4pm Mass Msgr Peter Wilson, RIP (Northampton) (PM)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 5
St Boniface, Bp, M
9am Mass Michael & Teresa O'Brien, RIP (Annivs) (MI)

Tuesday 6
St Norbert, Bp
9am Mass Dr Nadia Rokan (KR)

Wednesday 7
9am Mass Ian Irwin, RIP (PL)

Thursday 8
9am Mass Roland Clark, RIP (MC)

Friday 9
St Ephrem, Deacon, D
12 Noon Mass Charles D'Souza, RIP (MB)

Saturday 10 June
Our Lady on Saturday
10am Mass Intentions of Angela Spedding (AS)
10.30-11.30am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

Sunday 11 June
The Body and Blood of Christ—Corpus Christi
5.30pm Vigil Mass Gwendoline Underwood, RIP (Anniv) (RB)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Jim & Teena Rockell, RIP (Anniv) (K&LW)
11.30am Mass Veronica Webster, RIP (JS)
4pm Procession of the Blessed Sacrament
NO Vespers & Benediction