The Most Holy trinity

Dear friends in Christ

As Christians we began our lives in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. At that moment when we were baptised, we were assumed into the life of God Himself. In this name we also leave this world, signed with the sign of the Cross, the sign of Faith. We profess our Faith in God as Three Divine Persons. This is the Faith the Apostles heard from the lips of Jesus and have passed down to us. The life of the Christian on earth is to become familiar with, to enter into, a relationship with each of the Persons of the Godhead. We already have God dwelling within us, but we need to discern this reality more and more. St Teresa of Avila said that as she considered the presence of the Three Divine Persons in her soul she was amazed at seeing so much majesty in a thing as lowly as my soul; then Our Lord said to her: it is not lowly, my daughter; because it is made in my own image. And the Saint was filled with consolation. It can do us a great deal of good to consider these words as being spoken to us and they will encourage us to continue along this path that ends in God. We must treat every person we come across each day, as the possessor of an immortal soul, the image of God, which is, or can become the temple of God.

Next Sunday we shall be celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ—Corpus Christi—the beautiful feast of God’s Gift of the Blessed Eucharist. It is the Sunday of our Eucharistic Procession which is at 4pm. It should be a most lovely manifestation of the Faith of the entire Parish, if each of us were to participate and show to our world our love for the best Thing we have as Catholics!

With every blessing!

Msgr Kevin Hale