School Family Consecration
Marking the X World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome, the children from Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School and their families will be making an act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through Mary, on Friday 24th June.
Please remember the families from Our Lady of Lourdes school in prayer on this special day.
Angelus and Family Blessing 26th June
On Sunday 26th June, Pope Francis will close the X World Meeting of Families with his Sunday Angelus. As a parish, we will join the Holy Father in prayer for Marriage and Family Life with the Angelus and a blessing of families after the 11.30am Mass.
Annual Mass for Marriage and Family Life
Bishop Alan will celebrate the annual Mass for Marriage and Family Life at the Cathedral in July. The parish have received several invitations, intended for couples who have celebrated significant wedding anniversaries this year or have been recently married. If you like to attend, please contact the parish office for more details.
This Mass will be offered for the intentions of families around the Diocese. If you have a particular intention for this day, please complete the form on the website :