Dear friends in Christ
In the First Reading of the Mass this Sunday we hear how Elijah is sent by God from Mount Horeb to anoint Elisha as prophet. Elijah left the mountain and found Elisha as he was ploughing. As he passed near to him, and threw his cloak over him, this was seen as a sign that God wanted him to dedicate himself to His service. Elijah responded forthwith and wholeheartedly, leaving nothing behind that might cause him to regret his departure. He took the pair of oxen with which he had been ploughing and slaughtered them. He built a fire with the wood of his plough, cooked the oxen and gave the meat to his men, who ate it. He then got up and went after Elijah. The Gospel reading echoes this encounter, as Jesus calls His disciples from very different circumstances to follow Him. The lesson in the readings is: to answer God's call promptly, cheerfully, and unconditionally. When Christ passes close to us we should not put off our attachment to him. If He passes-by and on His way, perhaps we will not find him when we try later on to catch up later. God calls each one of us in our own circumstances. May these readings prompt us to examine our own lives and ask whether we respond to God promptly, and unconditionally, in the way that we go after Him.
We think also this week of those apostles, Peter & Paul—whose feast we celebrate Wednesday—and how they left everything to follow Him.
God bless you all this coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale