Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The first reading of the Mass this Sunday opens with the well-known and sombre words: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. The brevity of life is also dwelt upon by Jesus in the Gospel, and how we must be ready for the moment God calls us to Himself, and not be more concerned with accumulating treasure on earth. A persons life is not made secure by what he owns, even if he has more than he needs. Time here on earth is one of testing. On a certain day the Lord will come to settle the accounts with us, to determine how well or ill we have administered His gifts. These include our intelligence, health, material goods, capacity for friendship, and the power to spread joy to those around us. When He comes to bring us home, God should find us well-prepared. This means that we are not tied-down to the things of the world. Inasmuch as the good things of this world are intended for the glory of God, and secondarily for our happiness and well-being, we should aim to live detached, not complaining when we don’t have what we would like. In these times of economic hardship—relatively speaking—we should attempt to identify with those who have much less than ourselves and who struggle. Our meditation on the things of eternity will always be a good antidote against sin and for giving us a proper Christian perspective on life.

We returned from our Lourdes Pilgrimage Friday evening, after a safe and full few days. We thank God and His Blessed Mother for the graces we hopefully have been given. Although it was a smaller group than usual (200) we hope that next year travel will have returned to greater normality. I would particularly like to acknowledge the contribution our young adults made to the Pilgrimage—there were seven from our own Parish—they were at all times cheerful, helpful and dedicated in all they did!

I hope that many of us can enjoy some holiday-time in this coming month, and that we don't forget our Sunday duty to celebrate Holy Mass wherever we are and with whomever we are with.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale