Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary time

Sunday 21st August
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings of the Solemnity
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 8

5.30pm Mass Michael Rubbert, RIP (K&LW)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Una Young, RIP (Anniv) (LR)
11.30am Mass Intentions of Rita O’Callaghan (JA)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 22
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9am Mass Thomas Walsh, RIP (Anniv) (MC)

Tuesday 23
St Rose of Lima, V
9am Mass Margaret McFarlane, RIP (Anniv) (MW)

Wednesday 24
St Bartholomew, Ap
9am Mass Ann & Roger O'Boyle, RIP (MI)

Thursday 25
St Louis
9am Mass Eugene Renehan, RIP (Anniv) (MH)
5pm Body in Church Anne Owen, RIP

Friday 26
Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, Pr
11am Requiem Mass Anne Owen, RIP

Saturday 27
St Monica
10am Mass Valerie Tisi, RIP (F&JO’B)
10.30-11.30am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

Sunday 28
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

5.30pm Mass Margaret Owens, RIP (Anniv) (SO)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

8am Mass Roland Clark, RIP (M,C&NC)
9.30am Mass Marian Payne, RIP (Anniv) (VP)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction