Dear friends in Christ
Running through the readings of the Mass this Sunday, is the call to salvation. This is why the Church exists and what Jesus came to bring—salvation. God wants everyone to be saved; He desires everyone to be with Him in Heaven. When Jesus is asked in the Gospel: Will everyone be saved? He doesn't answer directly but instead exhorts us to enter by the narrow gate. They ask Him about numbers but He speaks about the manner. And He goes on to teach them that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven—which is the only thing that counts—it is not enough to belong to the Chosen People, or to have a false confidence in Him. What is required is a faith joined with good works, the kind of faith to which we have all been called. In addition, Our Lord wants us all to play a part in His mission to save mankind. Those of us who follow Jesus Christ have a definitive responsibility to help others find and enter the narrow door that leads to salvation. As the Second Vatican Council stated: Inserted as they are into the Mystical Body of Christ by Baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, it is by the Lord Himself that they are assigned to the apostolate. All of us Catholics, whatever our age or backgrounds, in all circumstances of life, are called to bear witness to Christ all the world over (Apostolicam actuositatem, 3).
Our Lord needs us to light up the way of salvation for others. We have to do this even if we don’t think we are very good at it, or that we are so few for what has to be done. God will multiply our strength. We are within the octave of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven and as the Queen of Apostles she remains ever our help and guide towards the salvation we so desire.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale