Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews at Mass this weekend gives us multiple examples of the faith of Abraham. They remind us that his faith was put to the test, even to the point of him being required to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Often we find that our faith is tested too. Sometimes the response can be one of anger and confusion. At others times we accept that God is trying our faith in order to increase it so that we can see there is no alternative but to trust in Him unconditionally. Through faith, we know with certainty the fundamental truths of human existence: that we are made for heaven and therefore all else should be ordered and subordinated to this supreme end.  Our Lord wants to help us reach this goal with an abundance of supernatural means. The passage from the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that nothing should dishearten us on the road to holiness because we know of three basic truths: God is all powerful; God has a great love for me; God is faithful to His promises. It was hope and certainty that allowed Abraham to do as God wanted and to trust him even at those moments when he could not see clearly why God was asking something of him. In like manner, we trust God for everything we have and are, and above all what we need for ourselves, as we pray in the Act of Hope: My God, I hope in You for grace and for glory, because of Your promises, Your mercy, and Your power.

Next weekend we shall be celebrating the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady into Heaven. (The feast is transferred from Monday, 15th). We shall reflect on this truth, as we do each year, as a spur to our seeking holiness and the life of Heaven where she has gone—body and soul—before us.

God bless you in these days of rest and holiday!

Msgr Kevin Hale