CAFOD Family Fast Day 7th October

As we are all seeing in our daily lives, climate change, coronavirus and the conflict in Ukraine mean that food prices are skyrocketing - creating a global food crisis for many people - including here in the UK.

In East Africa, CAFOD's local experts have been working with families to help them survive food shortages and severe drought. For example, in Kenya families' livestock have died due to the drought, leaving them unable to earn income, and the drought has also meant that growing food is very difficult. Families have also been unable to send their children to school, as education is not free, and families cannot afford it with limited or no income. Any donations you can make this CAFOD Fast Day will assist CAFOD's local experts help those families, including with the delivery of emergency food and water. You can donate online - - or via envelope at the back of the church.

Thank you for your support and continued prayers.