Dear friends in Christ
The parables that Jesus preaches are often allegories of God’s love for His people. So with the parables of the workers in the vineyard. Palestine was full of vineyards and the symbol here is of Israel not living-up to her divine calling. The vineyard is also a symbol of the Church and therefore of each one of us. Yet the true vine is Christ who gives life and fruitfulness to the branches, that is, to us, who through the Church remain in Christ without who we can do nothing. (Vat II, LG 6) Each day of our lives we have opportunities to give good fruit to God. We can give Him the frustrations that we encounter in the course of daily events, and we can turn these into occasions to offer a smile, a friendly word or an act of pardon. In our work especially, God looks for the good fruits we can produce for the good of others and the common well-being of society. Every noble human reality can and should be sanctified and offered to God for our holiness and for the making holy of our world.
I was very touched last weekend by the many acts and words of kindness and gratitude that I received on the completion of twenty years as Parish Priest of Leigh. Especial thanks for the proceeds of the crafty collection that was done without my knowledge! I had only wished that it was a modest marking of that milestone, so I am much appreciative of the efforts everyone made to celebrate the occasion. I like to think that it wasn't about me as a person, but rather about the fact that we can love the Priesthood and can be grateful for the blessings that God showers upon us within the Parish Family; and this, in spite of human limitations. As I said in my Homily last weekend: even if we find ourselves so lacking in the Christian and human virtues, we have to acknowledge that we are all a work in progress! For this we must rely wholly on the grace of God. Thank you so much once again, for tolerating my weaknesses and inadequacies, and for your great generosity!
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale