Second Sunday of Lent

Dear friends in Christ

Commenting on the Gospel of the Transfiguration at Mass this Sunday, St Bede says: Our Lord in a loving condescension allowed Peter, James and John to enjoy for a very short time the contemplation of the happiness that lasts forever, so as to enable them to bear adversity with greater fortitude. We can presume that the memory of those moments with Our Lord on the mountain helped them through the many trials ahead. Our existence on earth is a journey towards Heaven, our ultimate goal. It is a journey that is often harsh because we live in a world and in a body that experiences all of the trials that constitute this life. But God strengthens us with the hope of Heaven; and in a particular way during the most difficult times. The thought of the glory that awaits us should act as a spur in our daily struggles. Nothing is of such value as gaining Heaven: and always bearing in mind this determination to die rather than fail to reach the end of the way. If God ever causes you to suffer from thirst as He guides you through this life, it is because He will give you drink in plenty in the next life, without any fear of it ever failing you (St Teresa of Avila).

When we participate in Holy Mass, we also go up the mountain in a similar way to the Apostles. There we hear God speak, we respond in faith, see Him present in His glory and receive Him in the Blessed Eucharist. This is the simple action of what happens at Mass. Again, like the Apostles, we do not live seeing Jesus in His glorified state, but in those rare glimpses we do have, we are given a foretaste of what eternal life will be like.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale