Our next Meeting will be after Easter on Thursday 13th April in the Parish Centre. All ladies in the Parish are welcome, with an entry sub of just £1 .00 which includes all refreshments .
We are pleased to announce that we are very honoured to welcome Monsignor Canon Kevin Hale as our guest speaker, known to us all as our much loved Parish Priest for almost 20 years! Father Kevin has kindly agreed to give a talk about his work as Vicar General of the Diocese, so we hope all the ladies of the Parish will give him a very warm welcome.
NB: Given Father Kevin’s heavy schedule we would like to suggest ladies arrive at the Parish Centre as soon as possible after 9.30am, in order to have coffee and tea so we can try to ensure a prompt start at 10am. There will, of course, be plenty of time later for refreshments, social chat and our popular Raffle.