Second Sunday of Easter—Divine Mercy

Dear friends in Christ

This Second Sunday of Easter has been given various names down the centuries: Low Sunday, in contrast to the high celebration of Easter. Dominica in Albis, since those who were baptised at Easter, appeared at Mass in their white baptism robes. Quasi modo Sunday, from the Latin words of the Introit of the Mass: Like newborn infants, you must long for the pure, spiritual milk… And lastly, Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast instituted by Pope Saint John Paul II, as we hear in the Gospel narrative of Jesus giving his divine power to forgive sins to the Apostles. This weekend we rejoice with all those who have been Received into Full Communion with the Church over Easter, especially those within our own Parish Family, as they enter the life of grace Christ won for us  by His Death and Resurrection.

The Resurrection of Jesus gives us fresh hope as we celebrate it anew. We are facing many uncertainties: the War in Europe, continued fall-out from the Pandemic, economic hardships and the disruption to life in our society. The Resurrection gives us fresh optimism. So it was very heartening to see the large numbers at Mass and the Sacraments over Holy Week and Easter; please God we are on the way to normality after so long.

This Sunday afternoon at 2.30 we shall pray the Devotions in honour of Divine Mercy which includes the praying of the Chaplet, veneration of the image of Divine Mercy and the Relic of St Faustina Kowalska ending with Benediction. May we try to live this confidence in the all merciful God as we rejoice in the continued joy of the resurrection!

Msgr Kevin Hale