Sixth Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

We are moving towards the fortieth day following the Resurrection of Jesus—His glorious Ascension into Heaven, which we celebrate this Thursday. The whole of the Easter season reinforces within our hearts and lives the hope of Heaven. Now Jesus goes before us to live at the right hand of the Father. The liturgy for the Ascension reminds us that where He, our Head and Founder, has gone before us.

At this time of year we look forward to, and celebrate, some important milestones in the life of the Parish Family: First Communions, Confirmations, the Corpus Christi Procession. Each of these moments provides us with the opportunity to celebrate the central mysteries of our Faith by which we express our uniquely Catholic identity. Please remember to pray for all those young people who are preparing to complete their Christian initiation by the reception of these beautiful sacraments.

As we continue to give special veneration to Our Blessed Mother in this month, we ask her continued intercession for our country with our new King, and invoke her prayers for peace in our world.

May God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale