Brentwood Diocese Initiative - Laudato Si' (our Common Home)

Bishop Alan has launched a Diocesan initiative based on the Pope's Encyclical Laudato Si', caring for our Common Home and it's people. He is encouraging every Parish to become engaged in his vision. He asks us to think about issues such as; the environment, the homeless, those hungary/food waste and refugees. God asked us to be 'stewards' of this place he gave us to live in and share it's resources fairly and justly, caring for all our brothers and sisters.

The Bishop asks us to work with and support the work of Caritas International that has 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations operating in over 200 countries. As you have seen in the bulletin already, Caritas are holding a Networking Day on 10th June in Upminster.

Fr. Kevin has asked me to be the Parish representative for this initiative, but I cannot do this alone. If you are interested in any or all of these social issues and would like to get involved (or find out more) please contact me - I would very much value help and ideas to move this initiative forward.

Cathy (Sweeney) - Tel: 07762 107920