Seventh Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

Following the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven—which we have celebrated last Thursday—the Apostles returned with Mary to pray in the Upper Room; that same room where they had celebrated the Last Supper. We can only imagine the kind of conversations they would have enjoyed, undoubtedly recalling the life, teachings and miracles of the life of Our Lord. Now, alone and afraid, they pray together, in the confident hope that the promise of Jesus would be fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This will happen at Pentecost which we now also await.

Next weekend a large group of our young adults will experience the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. This Sacrament completes our Christian initiation, makes us strong and ardent followers of Christ, and allows us to take our full place in the life of the Church. We ask you to pray for them, their Sponsors and families in these days. May they have an experience of the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives and continue to give praise to God in the assembly of the Church.

As we all approach Pentecost—during these days of the original Novena in the Church—we implore: Come Holy Spirit, penetrate into our hearts and lives, fill us with your gifts and may we show forth their fruits!

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale