Fifth Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

It was the tradition for many centuries to sing a prayer at the end of the Solemn Mass on Sunday: Domine Salvum fac…This weekend we once again raise the ancient prayer of the Church for our Sovereign: O Lord, save Charles our King, and hear us on the day we call upon You. This prayer we offer so that our newly crowned King and his Consort, may reign with integrity, Christian virtues, and be preserved in peace all their days. The Coronation liturgy in Westminster Abbey has reminded us that Kingship has its deep roots in the Sacred Scriptures and that in Christ the King, we have a model that no earthly rulers have perfectly attained, but yet can aspire to!

The month of May which we have begun is a month in which we celebrate the presence of Our Blessed Mother in the Church. It is a month in which we perhaps make a pilgrimage to one of her shrines; try to pray the Rosary and other Marian devotions better, and generally make a fuss of our Mother in Heaven who is interceding for us and the Church at all times.

We are approaching the weekend of our First Holy Communions—please keep all our children and their families in your prayers, as well as those preparing for Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday at the end of May.

May God bless you all and God bless the King!

Msgr Kevin Hale