A huge thank you to everyone who took part in making the Flower & Arts Festival on Saturday such a success.
The church was open from 11.00 am to 4.30pm and we had a constant stream of people visiting and spending time looking at the displays and finding out more about us. These are some comments written by visitors.
“So peaceful and lifts the heart and soul…”
“I went for a walk and found you God with these beautiful flowers…Thank you so much…”
“Thank you, really beautiful. May peace be with all.”
A special thank you to Jan for organising all the refreshments and to all the wonderful bakers who made and donated all the cakes for the event.
Also to all those brave souls who embroidered, knitted, painted and crafted as well as all the wonderful flower arrangers. Events like this can only happen with your support.
I would also like to thank the members of the Serving the Homeless Committee who helped to meet and greet at the doors of the church, and Damon from HARP who organised the HARP exhibit.
Anna Firth M.P. also visited
Just over £430 in cash donations to Serving the Homeless were made on the day.
Thank you again. Jo Ronan