Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The Gospel of this Sunday contains the truth that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl of great price—a treasure! Whenever we discover something of great value in our lives, we do everything we can to possess it. Jesus desires us to put all our efforts into attaining Heaven. Everything we do in this life has to be done with this one aim: arriving at Heaven. God’s Kingdom already exists on earth in the form of the Body of Christ—the Church. The Church is the source of holiness for our world. She continually offers mankind the means of achieving union with God. Certainly our Holy Mother shines out spotless in her sacraments, by means of which she brings forth her children, and nourishes them; in her faith, which has never suffered contamination; in her most holy laws, by which she commands all people; and in her evangelical counsels, which she proposes to all people; finally, in her heavenly gifts and charisms, by means of which, with inexhaustible fecundity, she brings forth armies of martyrs and virgins and confessors. (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis,30)

As we listen again to these words of the Gospel this weekend, we implore God to give us a holy desire for the things of the Kingdom of Heaven: to grasp the pearl, that treasure of great price, and stake everything we have to win the crown of eternal life in Heaven.

Next weekend we shall be celebrating the feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus (6th August) which further imprints upon our minds and hearts the desire for the things of Heaven, where Christ lives in glory!

Having just returned from our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes we give thanks for the grace-filled days spent in the company of Jesus and Mary. We assure you of the many prayers: Rosaries, Masses and sacrifices offered there for the intentions of our Parish Family.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale