Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

Each year in the middle of August, on 15th, we have the celebration of the glorious Assumption of Our Blessed Lady. Our belief is, that at the end of her earthly life Mary was taken body and soul into the glory of Heaven; God did not allow the beautiful and immaculate body of His Mother to experience the corruption of the grave. On this feast, we have the opportunity of an outpouring of special love of Our Blessed Mother. We know that assumed into Heaven she has taken her place at the side of her Son. She is our best friend at Court, best-placed to put our intentions to God the Father, and is in intimate union with the Holy Spirit. We have ever confidence that sharing fully in the life of The Blessed Trinity she will aid us, as we pray daily: now, and at the hour of our death. We pray these words because the Hail Mary expresses the only two important moments for us: this present moment, and the moment of our death. In both these times Mary is with us, and ever more so now that she reigns as Queen of Heaven. Let us make our own the words of liturgy this when we come to Mass on Tuesday: Assumpta est Maria in cælum…Mary has been assumed into Heaven: the angels rejoice. They sing for joy and praise the Lord. May we join with them in giving this praise!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale