Dear friends in Christ
The Readings, particularly the Gospels, which we hear at Mass during these weeks of Summer, are full of inspiration for us and manifest the love Jesus has for all those in difficulty. The Summer is the one time of year when we can spend a little more time reflecting on the Truths of our Faith, or just having some quality time alone or with our families. It is really good to be as practical as possible about the way we live our Faith in these weeks…
I would like to suggest a couple of resources which may help us in this regard. I came across this article recently which might help you to be imaginative in the way you live your Faith at this time. This comes from a very good website which you can subscribe to and is full of short and snappy articles on our Catholic Faith.
Other sites which you might find useful would be: which has a TV and Radio network.
Also: which is a Catholic voice in the home, and: for reflections on the Saint of the day. Using these and many other Catholic resources that are out there, we can keep our Faith alive, be helped to live our Faith and be brought into a deeper more loving relationship with Our Lord.
God bless you as we move through these Summer weeks in the hope of refreshment, relaxation and rest!
Msgr Kevin Hale