Dear friends in Christ
The Gospel of the Mass this weekend, describes the commissioning of Peter as the rock and cornerstone of the Church. By changing his name, Our Lord wished to underline the new mission his apostle Simon had been given: that of being the foundation of the new edifice of the Church. From the beginning of Christianity, the Faithful have venerated the office of the Pope. The Prince of the Apostles is ever mentioned before the others and makes frequent use of his special primacy and authority over the others. The spiritual powers that Christ gave to Peter were for the good of the Church, and since the Church has to last until the end of time, these powers are handed down throughout history to those who take the place of Peter. Our veneration of the Pope is not just a natural affection, based on his holiness, his likeableness, or his charisma. When we see the Pope, when we listen to what he says, we do so in order to have a tangible connection with Peter, the Vicar of Christ. He is, whoever he happens to be, the sweet Christ on earth as Saint Catherine of Siena would call him. An ancient formula sums up in a few words all the teaching about the Bishop of Rome: Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia, ibi Deus, as St Ambrose said...where Peter is, there is the Church, there too is God. As we listen to this Gospel at Mass this weekend, we may thank God for the gift of our faith, and specifically, our Catholic Faith, founded on the rock and profession of faith of Saint Peter.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale