Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The mission that Christ brought to earth was that of bringing the good news of salvation to every living creature. This is still the mission of the Church, which carries the command of Our Lord: Go out to the whole world and preach the Gospel to the whole of creation. Jesus does this during His time on earth by going amongst the people of Israel, curing the sick and liberating those bound by the Evil One. The mandate of Jesus to His Apostles remains clear and is the same today, even if we may find this awkward, inconvenient or we are too timid. Saint John Chrysostom anticipated all the possible excuses for not carrying out this most gratifying obligation: There is, he wrote, nothing colder than a Christian who is unconcerned about the salvation of others ... Do not say 'I am unable to help them', for if you are truly a Christian it is impossible for you to make such an admission. The properties of natural things cannot be denied them: the same thing happens with this affirmation, for it is in the nature of a Christian to act in this way ... It is easier for the sun to fail to give its light or its heat than for a Christian to cease to give light and warmth; it would be easier for light to be dark-ness. Do not say that the thing is impossible; what is impossible is the opposite ... If we order our conduct aright, everything else will follow as a natural consequence. The light of Christians cannot be hidden; a light that shines so brightly cannot be concealed. (Homily on the Acs of Apostles,20)

This coming Saturday we shall celebrate our Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (transferred from 11th) Mass is at 10am. This is always a day on which we recall the apparitions of Mary to St Bernadette in 1858 and, as we approach Lent, take to heart again her motherly exhortation that we pray and do penance! May the continued protection of Our Blessed Lady be a source of comfort and support for us in this Parish; may our homes, School, and institutions feel the maternal protection of her who at Lourdes tells us: I am the Immaculate Conception!

May Christ and His blessed Mother bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale